#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI qw(:all); my $BASE = "http://www.originalhooters.com/Calendar"; =for MySQL DROP TABLE votes; CREATE TABLE votes ( disk TINYINT DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, image TINYINT DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, when TIMESTAMP DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, host CHAR(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, vote TINYINT, INDEX (disk, image, when, host) ) =cut print header, start_html("Am I hoot-er-not?"), h1("Am I hoot-er-not?"); my $previous_vote = ""; my $disk; my $image; { defined (my $votedisk = param("disk")) or last; defined (my $voteimage = param("image")) or last; defined (my $rating = param("rating")) or last; $votedisk =~ /\A[1-5]\z/ or last; $voteimage =~ /\A\d{3}\z/ and $voteimage >= 1 and $voteimage <= 100 or last; $rating =~ /\A(5|6|7|8|9|10|11|abstain)\z/ or last; require DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:merlyn_amihooternot", "username", "password", { RaiseError => 1 }); ## verify no recent previous vote if ($rating ne "abstain" and not $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT count(*) FROM votes ' . 'WHERE disk = ? AND image = ? AND host = ? ' . 'AND when > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)', undef, $votedisk, $voteimage, $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR})) { ## store vote $dbh->do("INSERT INTO votes (disk, image, when, host, vote) ". "VALUES (?, ?, now(), ?, ?)", undef, $votedisk, $voteimage, $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, $rating); } ## get average vote, count my ($average, $count) = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT avg(vote), count(*) FROM votes ' . 'WHERE disk = ? AND image = ? ' . 'GROUP BY disk, image', undef, $votedisk, $voteimage); $average = defined $average ? (sprintf "%.1f", $average) : "?"; $count = (not defined $count or $count == 0) ? "no votes" : ($count == 1) ? "1 vote" : "$count votes"; $previous_vote = table({-border => 1}, Tr(td({align => 'center'}, "What others thought", br, $average, br, "based on $count", br, "You rated her: $rating", br, img({src => "$BASE/Disk$votedisk/Thumb/$voteimage.jpg"}), ))); if ($voteimage > 99) { $image = "001"; if ($votedisk > 5) { $disk = 1; } else { $disk = $votedisk + 1; } } else { $image = sprintf "%03d", $voteimage + 1; $disk = $votedisk; } $dbh->disconnect; # not needed in mod_perl } unless ($disk) { BEGIN { srand; } $disk = 1 + int rand 5; $image = sprintf "%03d", 1 + int rand 100; } param("disk", $disk); param("image", $image); param("rating", "abstain"); print start_form, table({-border => 0, -colspacing => 0, -colpadding => 2}, Tr(td({-valign => 'top'}, $previous_vote), td(table(Tr(td({-align => 'right'}, p("Tell me, am I a", a({-href => "/cgi/go/http://www.originalhooters.com/"}, "Hooters Girl"), "or not?"), radio_group(-name => "rating", -values => [qw(5 6 7 8 9 10 11 abstain)], -rows => 1), hidden("disk"), hidden("image")), td(submit("vote"))), Tr(td( ## "disk $disk image $image
", # debug img({src => "$BASE/Disk$disk/Small/$image.jpg"})), td(table(Tr(td("see more:")), map { Tr(td(a({-href => "/cgi/go/$BASE/Disk$disk/$_/$image.jpg"}, $_))) } qw(Thumb Small Medium Large Exlarge)))))))), end_form; print p("Please note that images may be copyrighted by their", "respective owners, and that this voting system", "is not affiliated in any way with the Hooters Restaurant chain", "or related to (no matter how inspired by) the", a({-href => "/cgi/go/http://www.amihotornot.com/"}, "Am I Hot Or Not?"), "site."), print end_html;