package Stonehenge::Pictures; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); BEGIN { $VERSION = 2.00; }; use vars qw($CACHED); BEGIN { $CACHED = undef; } ### configuration my $PICSPERPAGE = 10; my $ODD = "#dddddd"; # bgcolor for odd rows my $EVEN = "#ffffff"; # bgcolor for even rows my $NEXTPREV = "#ddffdd"; # bgcolor for next/prev links rows my $REPORT = 1; # if 1, report times for Magick my $DEBUG_DUMP_CACHE = 0; # if 1, append dump of cache in response ### end configuration use Apache::Constants qw(:common DIR_MAGIC_TYPE); use Apache::Log; use Apache::File; use Apache::Util qw(escape_uri escape_html size_string); use CGI::Pretty qw(:all); ### globals my $R; # request object my $LOG; # log object my $URI; # uri string my $DIR; # directory (set only if directory) ### end globals sub handler { use Stonehenge::Reload; goto &handler if Stonehenge::Reload->reload_me; $R = shift; $LOG = $R->log; $URI = $R->uri; if ($R->content_type eq DIR_MAGIC_TYPE) { return handle_directory(); } else { return handle_file(); } } sub handle_file { ## handle only JPEG files with ?size=half suffix return DECLINED if $R->content_type ne "image/jpeg" or $R->path_info; { my (%args) = $R->args; return DECLINED if not exists $args{size} or not delete $args{size} eq "half" or %args; # must be empty now } if ($R->header_only) { # save some work $R->send_http_header('image/jpeg'); return OK; } my $rc = eval { do_magick() }; if ($@) { # dead magick notice("Magick error: $@"); return SERVER_ERROR; } return $rc; } sub do_magick { # may die my @times = (time, times); require Image::Magick; my $q = Image::Magick->new or die "Cannot new Image::Magick"; my $err = $q->Read($R->filename); die $err if $err; $err = $q->Minify; die $err if $err; my ($tmpnam,$fh) = Apache::File->tmpfile or die "Cannot create tmpfile: $@"; $err = $q->Write('filename' => "JPG:$tmpnam"); die $err if $err; $REPORT and notice(sprintf "%s magick: real %d user %.2f sys %.2f", $URI, (map { $_ - shift @times } time, times)[0,1,2]); $R->send_http_header('image/jpeg'); $R->send_fd($fh); return OK; } sub handle_directory { ## if non-slash URL, send external redirect via mod_dir: return DECLINED unless $URI =~ /\/$/; $DIR = $R->filename; $R->chdir_file("$DIR/"); return possible_304(update_cache()) || showdir(); } sub showdir { my $title = "Picture index for " . get_cache_dir_title(); print header(-expires => "+1d"), start_html(-title => $title, -dtd => "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"), h1($title), p(get_cache_dir_info()); show_links(); show_pics(); dump_cache() if $DEBUG_DUMP_CACHE; print hr, p("This page is powered by", a({href =>""}, img({src => "", alt => "Apache and mod_perl!"}))); print end_html; return OK; } sub show_links { my $flip = 0; print h2("links"), table({ cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 10 }, map { Tr({bgcolor => (($flip = !$flip) ? $ODD : $EVEN)}, td(a({Href => escape_html_uri($_->[0])}, escape_html($_->[0]))), td($_->[1]), ) } @{get_cache_other($DIR)}); } sub show_pics { if (my @all_pics = @{get_cache_pictures($DIR)}) { my $max = @all_pics; my %args = $R->args; my $start = int($args{'start'} || 1); $start = 1 if $start < 1; $start = $max if $start > $max; # dubious my $end = int($args{'end'} || ($start + $PICSPERPAGE - 1)); $end = $start if $end < $start; $end = $max if $end > $max; my @pics = @all_pics[($start-1)..($end-1)]; my @links_row = make_links_row(3, $start, $end, $max); my $flip = 0; print h2("Pictures $start through $end of $max"), p("Please note the new 50% links...", "a reduced-size JPEG will be created on the fly."), table({ cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 10 }, @links_row, map ({my($jpg, $thumb, $info, $size, $mtime) = @$_; Tr({bgcolor => (($flip = !$flip) ? $ODD : $EVEN)}, td(a({Href => escape_html_uri($jpg)}, img({src => escape_html_uri($thumb), alt => "[thumbnail for ". escape_html($jpg)."]"}))), td(size_string($size).",", "uploaded",int((time - $mtime)/86400),"days ago,", "scaled:", a({Href => escape_html_uri($jpg)."?size=half" }, "50%")), td($info), ) } @pics), @links_row, ); } } sub make_links_row { my ($colspan, $start, $end, $max) = @_; my @links; push @links, range_link($start - $PICSPERPAGE, $start - 1, $max, "previous") if $start > 1; push @links, range_link($end + 1, $end + $PICSPERPAGE, $max, "next") if $end < $max; return @links ? Tr({bgcolor => $NEXTPREV}, td({colspan => $colspan}, join ", ", @links)) : (); } sub range_link { my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my $max = shift; my $text = shift; $start = 1 if $start < 1; $start = $max if $start > $max; $end = $start if $end < $start; $end = $max if $end > $max; my $count = $end - $start + 1; my $pictures = $count > 1 ? "$count pictures" : "picture"; return a({href => "$URI?start=$start&end=$end"}, "$text $pictures"); } sub dump_cache { require Data::Dumper; print table({ Border => 1 }, Tr(th("dump of %cache")), Tr(td(pre(escape_html(Data::Dumper::Dumper(get_cache_ref($DIR))))))); } sub notice { $LOG->notice("[$$] ", @_); } sub escape_html_uri { return escape_html(escape_uri(shift)); } BEGIN { ## cache this file's mtime at compile-time my $module_mtime = (stat(__FILE__))[9]; sub possible_304 { my $cache_time = shift; $R->update_mtime; # from current directory/file $R->update_mtime($module_mtime); $R->update_mtime($cache_time); $R->set_last_modified; $R->set_etag; return $R->meets_conditions; } } BEGIN { # cache-related functions my %cache; ## $cache{$DIR} = { ## { Depends => { "relative name" => $mod_time, ... }, ## { Other => [["link" => "desc"], ["link" => "desc"], ... ] }, ## { Pictures => [["foo","foo.thumb.jpg","desc", stats], ...] }, ## { Title => "my title" }, ## { Info => "my info" }, ## } sub update_cache { return check_depends() || make_new_cache(); } sub check_depends { my $no_stat = shift || 0; # if true, returns max(@times) return 0 unless exists $cache{$DIR} and exists $cache{$DIR}{Depends}; my $items = $cache{$DIR}{Depends}; my $most_recent = 0; while (my ($key, $value) = each %$items) { unless ($no_stat) { return 0 unless my (@stat) = stat($key); return 0 if $stat[9] != $value; } $most_recent = $value unless $most_recent > $value; } return $most_recent; } sub make_new_cache { ## clear it out, initialize to dot mtime $cache{$DIR} = { Depends => { "." => (stat("."))[9] } }; my @files = get_files_in_dot(); my $info = get_info_in_dot(); my @pictures; my @other; for (@files) { my @stat = stat; if (-d _) { push @other, ["$_/" => get_title($_)]; } elsif (-r "$_.thumb.jpg") { push @pictures, [$_, "$_.thumb.jpg", get_info($info, $_), $stat[7], $stat[9]]; } elsif (/\.thumb\.jpg$/) { # ignore } else { push @other, [$_ => get_info($info, $_)], } } $cache{$DIR}{Pictures} = \@pictures; $cache{$DIR}{Other} = \@other; $cache{$DIR}{Title} = get_title("."); $cache{$DIR}{Info} = get_info($info,"."); $CACHED = keys %cache; # for ChildExitHandler report return check_depends(1); } sub get_files_in_dot { my $dot = Apache::File->new; opendir $dot, "."; return sort "..", grep !/^\.|~$/, readdir $dot; } sub get_info_in_dot { my %info = (); local($/,$_); my $fh = open_and_add_depends(".info"); if ($fh and defined($_ = <$fh>)) { s/^\s*\#.*\n//mg; # toss comments s/[ \t]*\n[ \t]+/ /g; # fold continuation lines %info = /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/mg; } return \%info; } sub open_and_add_depends { my $path = shift; my $fh = Apache::File->new($path); $fh and $cache{$DIR}{Depends}{$path} = (stat($fh))[9]; return $fh; # possibly undef } sub get_title { my $name = shift; my $fh = open_and_add_depends("$name/.title"); $fh and <$fh> =~ /(.+)/ and return escape_html($1); $name eq ".." and return "Go up"; $name eq "." and $name = $URI; # use uri instead of dot return "The ".escape_html($name)." directory"; } sub get_info { my $info = shift; my $name = shift; exists $info->{$name} and return $info->{$name}; $name eq "." and return " "; return "Description not provided for ".escape_html($name); } sub get_cache_pictures {return $cache{$DIR}{Pictures}} sub get_cache_other {return $cache{$DIR}{Other}} sub get_cache_dir_title {return $cache{$DIR}{Title}} sub get_cache_dir_info {return $cache{$DIR}{Info}} sub get_cache_ref {return \%cache} # for debugging only } 1;