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Most-recently modified on 15:38:01 17-May-2002.
On Tuesday, I spent most of the day writing another slightly-overdue column for WebTechniques magazine, did a book signing for my wildly popular Llama book during lunch. In the afternoon, Bill took Jasmine to Monterey Bay Aquarium, while I prepared for the White Camel award presentation I made in the evening during the Internet Quiz Show. I flubbed my lines pretty bad: maybe I should have taken notes while brian d foy was telling me what I was to say.

After that, we hit the town again, finding a karaoke session going on right in the hotel. But the lines were two hours long, so I didn't get to take the stage. That's OK. Bill and I also scouted the remaining open bars until late in the evening, including this one bar that was mostly deserted. The bartender and his girlfriend posed for a few pictures since they were bored.
Snapshots from O'Reilly's Perl Conference 4.0 in Monterey
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